Our Values

Our foundational value is that parents/families be respected as meaningful partners in the education of their children. Partners in Education Abbotsford acknowledges parents as the first and primary educators of their children. We believe that students are best served when those who know and love them the best are important partners in their education. Partners for Education believes that a trusting relationship between schools and parents/famiies is paramount.

It "takes a village" to raise a child. We value meaningful dialogue and teamwork between trustees, district staff, teachers, parents/families, and students. Partners in Education Abbotsford believes that children are best served by continual open dialogue between all stakeholders in their education. We will foster an environment where students, teachers, and parents always feel welcome to share their issues with Trustees and district staff and are never afraid to speak what they really believe on any issue or topic.

Openess and Integrity
We value full and total transparency in every aspect of governance and instruction (except where confidentiality is necessary). Partners in Education Abbotsford believes that children are best served by a fully transparent educational experience. Utilizing modern technology, we will strive to make the inner workings of our school district and classrooms much more accessible to the average parent. Open communication is key so that diverse points of view can be considered and every individual can contribute.

Excellence in Education
Partners in Education Abbotsford values excellence in education. Excellence is not trying to be better than anyone else; it is trying to be the best version of oneself. Partners for Education believes in meeting every child where they are at and challenging them to be their best. Partners in Education Abbotsford strongly supports an individualized approach to education where every student has a chance to succeed.